Thursday 10 September 2009

Part 3 - The Religious Tingzzz!!

The day after trekking was the Tij Festival where only woman can celebrate it. It is a day where woman and girls fast from 12am to sunset for their husbands to have long and healthy lives. I tried it, yes, but it was harrd work especially in this heat!!! I bought a nice red and beige Kurta (Salwar Kameeze or suit) and wore tikka (a dot of red paint on my forehead!) then we went with other households to a temple in Lubhoo where it was packed with woman from all over the area. Since my "Mum" was still in her year of morning for her father-in-law, he was not allowed to enter the Temple so I went in with my "Sister". I went round while she touched each ornament and put even more Tikka on her head while saying prayers. We then entered this one building where only woman were allowed in it, even though there were men surrounding the outsides, peeking in.... :s.
Once inside, there was loud religious/Nepali music being played and there were females sitting all around except for the middle where you had them DANCING!! Yes, dancing, and, yes, I was made to dance, in front of a couple hundred Nepali's, including the men outside! It was all of us female volunteers and it wasn't any kind of Westernised dancing, no no, I was TRYING to do the more traditional way everyone else was, yes, cringe. Anyways, the day ended and I got to eat WHOLE lot at sunrise!! Only then I found out that my "Mum and Sister" only ate some fruit and sugared water and were going to be fasting AGAINthe next day, boyyyyy, I was not up for that!
Oh yeah, one of my volunteer friends - Jamie - he lives with a house full of woman so he decided to fast with them, hahahah, it was so cute!

We found out that us volunteers are extremely lucky because we came at a time when all the festivals are happening - Tij, Dshain, Krishnas birth, as well as it being Monsoon season, resulting in a whole lot of days off!!!! Speaking of Dshain, we get 7 full days off -so exciteddd!!!!

So a couple of weeks ago my monthly cycle had to unfortunately play havoc with me, kmt, I came on... This meant that I couldn't enter the kitchen because then I would make the food and water impure..... :| so I had to eat my meals at the doorway.... also, I couldn't touch the well outside to get water, because I would them make the whole well impure!! Great, when it turned out that my "Mum" was on at the same time, leaving us with my "Sister" to help us out (how -when she's at school most of the time!!), oh yeah, another thing, no male member of the family can touch us, hence the reason why my "Sister" can only help us. It wasn't too bad, cos I had my "Mum" to eat with, if she wasn't there, you better believe I would've gone straight to my room!!

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazing Jahira! But how embarassing omg!! xx
